E-Safety Policy

E-Safety Policy

NCL E-Safety – Staff Code of Conduct for ICT


To ensure that members of staff are fully aware of their professional responsibilities when using information systems and when communicating with students, they are asked to sign this code of conduct. Members of staff should consult NCL’s e-safety policy for further information and clarification.


  • I understand that it is a criminal offence to use ICT system for a purpose not permitted by its owner.
  • I appreciate that ICT includes a wide range of systems, including mobile phones, tablets, PDAs, digital cameras, email, social networking and that ICT use may also include personal ICT devices when used for NCL business.
  • I understand that NCL information systems may not be used for private purposes without specific permission from the Centre Manager.
  • I understand that my use of NCL information systems, internet and email may be monitored and recorded to ensure policy compliance. 
  • I will respect security and I will not disclose any password or security information to anyone other than an authorised system manager. 
  • I will not install any software or hardware without permission. 
  • I will ensure that personal data is stored securely and is used appropriately, whether in NCL, taken off the NCL premises or accessed remotely. 
  • I will respect copyright and intellectual property rights. 
  • I will report any incidents of concern regarding children’s safety to the e-Safety Lead, the Child Protection designated officer/named person or the Centre Manager.
  • I will ensure that electronic communications with students including email are compatible with my professional role and that messages cannot be misunderstood or misinterpreted.
  • I will ensure that my use of ICT systems privately (e.g. social networking, text messaging) will not crossover with my ICT use professionally by protecting my social networking profiles from public view and not giving out personal contact information I will not add current students as friends on social networking sites, and will take care to ensure that any comments about NCL/NCL activities are appropriate and professional.


NCL may exercise its rights to monitor the use of the NCL’s information systems and internet access, to intercept e-mail and to delete inappropriate materials where it believes unauthorised use of the NCL’s information systems may be taking place, or the system may be being used for criminal purposes or for storing unauthorised or unlawful text, imagery or sound.


I have read, understood and accept the Staff Code of Conduct for ICT.


Print Name



Learner Acceptable Use Agreement

 These rules will keep everyone safe and help us to be fair to others.


  • I will only use the college’s computers for appropriate college activities and learning and am aware that the college can monitor my internet use.
  • I will not bring files into college that can harm the college network or be used to circumvent college security tools.
  • I will only edit or delete my own files and not view, or change, other people’s files or user areas without their permission. 
  • I will keep my logins, IDs and passwords secret and change my password regularly.
  • I will use the Internet responsibly and will not visit web sites that are inappropriate for the college.
  • I will only e-mail or contact people I know, or those approved as part of learning activities.
  • The messages I send, or information I upload, will always be polite and sensible. All messages I send reflect on me and the college.
  • I will be careful when opening files and attachments, checking for viruses etc. If I am unsure I will never open a file.  
  • I will not give my personal information that could be used to identify me, my family or my friends on any online space, unless a trusted adult has given permission or reviewed the site.
  • I will never arrange to meet someone I have only ever previously met on the Internet or by email or in a chat room, unless I take a trusted adult with me.  
  • If I see anything I am unhappy with or I receive a message that makes me feel uncomfortable, I will not respond to it but I will save it and talk to a trusted adult.
  • I am aware that some websites, games and social networks have age restrictions and I should respect this. 
  • I am aware that my online activity at all times should not upset or hurt other people and that I should not put myself at risk.


I have read, understood and accept the Acceptable Use Agreement for ICT.


Print Name



NCL e-safety agreement form: parents


Internet and ICT: As the parent or legal guardian of the pupil(s) named below, I grant permission for the college to give my daughter / son access to:


  • the Internet at college 
  • ICT facilities and equipment at the college.  

I accept that ultimately the College cannot be held responsible for the nature and content of

materials accessed through the Internet and mobile technologies, but I understand that the college takes every reasonable precaution to keep pupils safe and to prevent pupils from accessing inappropriate materials.  

 I understand that the college can, if necessary, check my child’s computer files and the Internet sites they visit at college and if there are concerns about my child’s e-safety or ebehaviour they will contact me.  


Use of digital images, photography and video:  I understand the college has a clear policy on “The use of digital images and video” and I support this.  


I understand that the college will necessarily use photographs of my child or including them in video material to support learning activities.


I accept that the college may use photographs / video that includes my child in publicity that reasonably promotes the work of the college, and for no other purpose. 


I will not take and then share online, photographs of other children (or staff) at college events without permission.


Social networking and media sites: I understand that the college has a clear policy on “The use of social networking and media sites” and I support this.  


I understand that the college takes any inappropriate behaviour seriously and will respond to observed or reported inappropriate or unsafe behaviour. 


I will support the college by promoting safe use of the Internet and digital technology at home.  I will inform the school if I have any concerns. 


My daughter / son name(s)

Parent/Guardian signature

Parent/Carer name
